Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hi Everyone, Today was a wonderful sabbath. The whole orphanage came to Kwanobuhle ward today. Let me just back up a minute here to tell you what has happened in the last four days. On Thursday we were suppose to go to the orphanage to
pick up a boy about 9 years old. We noticed for a long time he had one eye that was always weeping with green stuff. It looked
pretty bad. When we asked Mama about it she said that every month she takes him to the government clinic and every time
they give her the same stuff for his eye and it doesn't get any better. So we asked the Officials at the Orphanage if we could
have him see our doctor and they said we could. When we arrived there to pick him up we found  out that he had never arrived
home from school. They had suspected that his older sister and him had run off. So we searched up and down the streets for
him and his older sister. which was not an easy task there are always so many people walking up and down the road.The streets
are just filled with people. We finally had to call the doctor's office and cancel the appointment which made us sad. Then we
got a call that they had found him. So we called the doctor and got them to still take him. We went back to the orphanage and
picked up the boy and the social worker. We headed in to the doctor. Come to find out the doctor said that his tearduct
was closed and He thought he had had this since birth. On the way back we got talking to the social worker and was able to
teach her about the book of Mormon and gave her one in Xhosa to read. She started reading it in the car. The little boy acted
unhappy the whole time in til Elder Van Sickle mentioned ice cream.We started saying I scream we scream we all scream for
ice cream. He started smiling he knows the English word ice cream. We all stopped at MC Donald's and had some ice cream
He was so excited when I took him to MC Donald's play area. It was so fun to watch him He had never got to do anything like
this in his life. When we got back to the Orphanage all the mama's told us they were bringing all 28 kids to church on Sunday. We were so excited for Sunday. Sunday came and time kept passing on finally all the missionaries that were waiting for investigators
came in and sat down except for Elder Van Sickle he was still waiting out in the foyer waiting for the orphanage children. The head
social worker had told us they were going to come in taxis to the church. The sacrament was passed and Elder Fozard
got up to bear his testimony when the doors opened and Elder Van Sickle walked in with 28 Orphanage children and 4
social workers. They had made it and they had walked all the way to the church. That's why they were so late. I know
Heavenly Father loves these children. We felt so much love for them. They have been such blessings in our lives. There
was such a feeling of love there. After church all the members were out side holding and laughing with the children. This
is not all but it's missionary bedtime so I must close I will write and continue this later. Love Elder and Sister Van Sickle
Mom and Dad and Grandpa and Grandma

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